Wednesday, 20 August 2008

i'm back!

I'm back from 6 days away. It's nice to be back home and in my own bed! I was in Vancouver, where I was born, and Victoria, where I was raised. We had a lovely time in both places and saw lots of friends and family.

People were very excited to see me and my slowly growing belly, and it seemed that babies were the hot topic everywhere, much to the chagrin of my husband. He did well though. We spent a lot of time with a lovely 5 year old, and he got some good practice in!

My cousin gave me a lovely gift of a maternity shirt and sweater, which I am psyched about. It's a white shirt, which I have been looking for, and the sweater ties in the front, which will be perfect! Being that I will be super pregnant in the winter, sweaters are key. I also got 2 pairs of maternity pants thanks for my friend Tracy. She helped me find some good stuff. We also stayed at her place in Victoria and hung out with her 5 year old - Thanks Tracy!

My trip was bittersweet though. My parents recently moved from Victoria to Saskatchewan, so I wasn't able to see them, so it was weird being in my hometown and them not being there, and me not being able to go to our house. It was sad! I also don't know when I will get back to the w.coast. I hope it's soon since I have so many lovely friends and family there that I want to see them all again soon!

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